Why don’t the root fillet of a gear be ground during gear tooth grinding?

teeth grinding
  1. According to relevant data, for heavy-duty gears with hardened tooth surfaces, the parts without ground root fillets have a lifespan of 1.7 to 170 times that of parts with ground root fillets. Therefore, parts without ground root fillets have better performance.
  2. After carburizing and quenching, the hardened layer experiences severe wear, reducing the root hardness and bending fatigue strength of the gear.
  3. After spraying, the maximum residual compressive stress on the underside of the tooth surface is about 0.05mm, and the residual stress can reach -800~-1200MPa. Once the root fillet is ground, the residual compressive stress at the root will disappear, causing the residual stress to become tensile stress, which obviously affects the fatigue resistance and lifespan of the gear.
  4. Analyzing the ability to withstand tooth breakage, there should be a certain amount of root cut at the root of the gear. If there is no root fillet, a certain amount of root cut can be obtained. When grinding the gear teeth, it is not allowed to create a convex platform at the root, as this will greatly affect the ability to withstand tooth breakage. The appearance of a convex platform is absolutely not allowed.
  5. In the curve of excessive development in the enterprise, due to the narrowness of the root fillet, poor heat dissipation capacity, and large residual size changes, gear grinding burns and cracks are prone to occur.
  6. The conditions for grinding the root fillet are poor, and the abrasive grains on the outer circle of the grinding wheel are prone to fall off and wear, which affects the quality of the gear grinding.

In summary, improving the gear working strength, load-bearing capacity, and lifespan without grinding the root fillet can effectively avoid gear damage, improve gear grinding quality, reduce grinding load, and improve production efficiency.


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